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SparkCognition Blogs

Posted by BKS | No comments
Links to various blogs I wrote during my tenure with SparkCognition’s Marketing ...


Posted by BKS | No comments
Written, performed, and produced by Brian Kenneth ...

In The Shadow

  Written, performed, and produced by Brian Kenneth ...

Achieving World-Class Downstre ...

Product Brochure I created for the Oil & Gas Practice in support of client business development, trade shows, and other marketing programs. This asset, along with companion midstream and upstream brochures, were very successful in promoting SparkCognition’s AI-powered Predictive Maintenance solutions. ...

Anomaly Detection Using Normal ...

Normal behavior modeling (NBM) is an approach to process, system, and equipment management and maintenance that has been enabled by recent advances in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This white paper describes the evolutionary forces that have led to this new capability set, its applications (current and prospective), its benefits, and details of how the technology works. In addition to the explanation of NBM’s operation and implementation, several examples are provided that highlight the benefits of this technology.   Introduction The primary goal of this white paper is to provide an in-depth introduction to the topic of NBM so that corporate decision-makers will understand its capabilities, ...

AI for Renewable Energy eBook

EBook created in support of SparkCognition’s sustainable energy AI programs. This was a very large undertaking that required interviews with at least a dozen SMEs in the firm, followed by several weeks of drafting, researching, and updating prior to release of the final piece for use at trade shows, conferences, etc. These are  the first few pages of what ended up as a 20-page ...

Reimagine Aviation Maintenance ...

Product brochure that I created for SparkCognition Government Systems highlighting the application of AI/ML-based Normal Behavior Modeling and Predictive Maintenance in the defense ...

The Strange Tale of Jeremiah M ...

In which our hero waxes perambular amid early spring woods.   A cool and blustery March afternoon along the reaches of the Kennebec, and Jeremiah is out, as he is most days, wandering without purpose or direction the black bark forest that lines the northern bank and ensconces his hand-wrought cabin. Deep into his seventh decade, Jeremiah stops frequently, to stretch deserving limbs beneath venerable oak. It is early yet for new bud growth and he leans heavily back, gazing upward through branches glassy and moist. Awash in the inspiration of sky and wood, Jeremiah speaks words into the sky where they dance and cavort to become poems and songs. He watches them fly and takes delight in the bright music of breeze soughing through ...

Chalk River Wensum

Just a bit outside Norwich in the east of England, Sarah lives in a tiny thatch-roof cottage on the gentle green banks of the chalk River Wensum.   Mayflies cavort upon the water, delight for brown trout. Otter and kingfisher contemplate one another but have little to say, while whorl snail and white-clawed crayfish conspire in the chilly mud below.   Behind Sarah’s cottage, a small garden mostly tends itself. She sits there each evening, delighting in the acrobatics of swallows, the silent creep of the vole, the lumbering waddle of the badger.   With the cottage and the garden and the wandering Wensum, Sarah needs nothing more. And as the evening sun sets beyond the unkempt hedge, its last sliver of light fallen from ...

Eliot’s Ghost

  November 7, 1933—The following account was reconstructed by the author, principally utilizing diary entries included in the estate of Mister Charles Priestly, formerly of 124A West 4th St., New York City. Mr. Priestly served in the 9th New York Infantry Regiment during the Civil War, and upon the war’s completion joined Empire City Casualty Corporation, where he worked in various capacities from 1866 -1883, his final position being that of Vice President of Finance. The final portion of the account is derived from hand-written notes and other related documents found with Mr. Priestly’s remains upon their discovery in the New York caisson of the Brooklyn Bridge earlier this year. Mr. Priestly’s wife Emily survived her ...

Heron and Then Wren

Once upon an estuary herons flew in graceful arcs that drew great threads of sunlight through a sky so blue it almost hurt the eyes. I used to go there long ago when afternoons went on forever. Then we moved to someplace where the water only used to be. So now it’s wren and thrush and while I can’t quite call it majesty, still there’s a simple wonder makes it worth a moment in the window. There’s one—the wren— who comes back to her nest each spring and tidies things. And while I do not know if harbinger’s the best word for a humble wren, I nonetheless feel that it’s something she might rather like to be.   May 8, ...

Boys to Men: Jeff Traylor, Hea ...

When UTSA football head coach Jeff Traylor first showed up for work on December 9, 2019, the team was just coming off a combined record of 7 and 17 for the preceding two seasons. The task at hand was clearly a challenging one. Still, if you’d asked Coach Traylor at that time what he felt were the odds of the team finishing the season two years later at 12 and 2 and winning the Conference USA championship trophy, even he might have been a bit doubtful about that enormous of a turnaround, and Coach Traylor is a pretty optimistic guy. Still, it can’t have come as a complete surprise, given the already remarkable results of the previous season. “I was grateful as can be for the seven wins we got in my first full season with the team,” ...