Well, let’s have a think about that.
Yeah, so we had a disagreement.
But how are we supposed
to sort things like that out?
It’s not as if any rules
have been handed down,
or voted on, or whatever.
After all, it’s still pretty
early days for humanity,
what with there being
just the four of us at this point.
And so, I suppose you could argue
that I killed a quarter of humanity.
But it’s not like we have any
laws or government yet.
Hell, we won’t even have
ten commandments to go by
until Deuteronomy or whatever.
Where are the guardrails, you know?
You run around handing out free will
and then get pissed when people use it.
What’s that about?
So what’s a guy to do?
Did I overreact? Okay, maybe.
But that Abel was always
just pushing my buttons, you know.
So much better than me
just because he had a few sheep.
And don’t even get me started
on the whole role model thing,
what with mom and pop getting our asses
thrown out of the garden.
Seriously, what did you expect?
Anybody who takes their advice from a snake
has no business lecturing me.
June 5, 2021
Brian Kenneth Swain